1. Create cultural awareness among participants: Prior to each morning and afternoon session, we will conduct energizers in a fun and creative manner to engage participants, as well as some team-building activities. Additionally, cultural nights will be held to allow participants to showcase their cultures and traditions.

2. Raise emotional awareness: One major objective of the project is strengthening empathetic understanding. In an alternate version of the activity "One Step Forward", participants will have to take one step forward in accordance with their personal beliefs and experiences. The purpose of this alternate activity is to demonstrate to participants that many people have felt the same way or encountered similar situations in the past. Another activity with a similar aim is "Identify the Hidden Talent". The activity starts with a brief explanation of how we are all equal but at the same time different. Each person is unique in his or her own right. The participants will be divided into four-person groups. Each group will have to figure out what each member of another group is best at. This activity has multiple meanings, but the most important is that it teaches participants to be humble while also being proud of themselves. It demonstrates that each individual has cultivated something fundamental and is thus objectively unique and capable of 'conquering' the world. Finally, participants will learn how to identify the demands of their potential consumers in the digital industry through the activity "The Empathy Map".

3. Strengthen innovation and digital enterprise: Through the various activities, participants will learn to think big, as well as to act big. Each national group of participants will start a digital enterprise project during the preparation phase. The project will assist them in developing their creative and critical thinking abilities, expressing their ideas within their group, and starting to consider the implementation of their project. During the session, participants will have an entire day to continue their project while receiving assistance with various digital tools under close supervision. The purpose of this project is not only to teach participants new skills connected to digital tools but also to expose them to a variety of obstacles through this project implementation, thereby cultivating their critical thinking. They will end up by identifying ways in which their project could be realised in real life and maybe setting execution dates.

4. Provide digital literacy knowledge: Other than soft skills, hard skills and knowledge is also essential. Success cannot happen without both. In the activity "Home-Page" participants will be divided into groups. Each group will be given the names of several well-designed websites that they must visit in order to get an idea of how their own website could be designed. They will then be required to create a poster prototype for their own website. This activity will introduce them to the concept of a decent, accessible website and inspire them to brainstorm ideas for their own website as a group. "Apps & Success" is another activity aimed at educating participants about digital literacy. In this activity, a brief presentation will be made about the people who invented the most popular social media apps and the critical features that an app should include, etc. Participants will then have to develop an idea for an app that is simple, functional, and accessible to people with disabilities.

5. Cultivate critical thinking: While harmony and peace are crucial components of this project's mentality, we also aim to foster critical thinking and the idea that it is acceptable to disagree with others as long as you are respectful. For this reason, the activity "Traditional Storytelling vs Digital Storytelling" is made to stimulate their thinking. On one side of the room, there will be a paper with the word "AGREE," and on the other, there will be a paper with the word "DISAGREE." Different statements will be read aloud, and participants will have to take a position and justify their decision.

6. Through such activities, participants will learn to work with digital tools in a team spirit through humanitarian means, boosting their teamwork, self-confidence, self-acceptance, or empathetic abilities.

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