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The DIGEM Digital Empathy Project consisted of an 8- Day training in which 38 youth workers from 10 countries of the European Union took part. The project was held in Pissouri / Cyprus/ where through workshops, lectures and different tasks participants had the chance to boost their personal and professional skills connected with digital empathy and settings.

We, Lithuania team had organised a short presentation in Vilnius about the Erasmus project and the experience we got. Also talked about the main topic that is "Digital empathy" and tried to convey the essential knowledge acquired during the training. First of all, we presented the most important aspect in our opinion - accessibility. In these days when digital space is getting more and more influence in our life it's very important that it would be accessible to more people and I talking about that group of people who are old or have other reasons why it's difficult for them to reach information on the internet and even for those who have disabilities like partially blind or deaf people. Second aspect we had discussed was that to understand others you must first know yourself. Talked about empathy, what that is and why it's important these days.

After the serious part also talked about Erasmus projects essentially. That is a very good opportunity to break your language barrier, to meet interesting people and get to know their cultures and find similarities and differences. It is not only training but also you get to know the country where you are staying and even have a few excursions around the towns. So, you develop as a person and also gain a lot of knowledge and a wider worldview. 

Participants Impressions 

Ervinas Martinkėnas: My experience with this project was amazing. I met a lot of good and kind people there, from 9 different countries. In this project, we had so many different activities, like teamwork projects, energizers, city exploring tasks, and also free time when we could go with new friends to the beach and have fun chilling. Only because of this project have I been able to improve my English skills; it has given me the confidence to converse with people from other countries.And I can now visit my favorite countries without fear. I will never forget this awesome week.  

Kristupas Sterbavičius: After the serious part also talked about Erasmus projects essentially. That is a very good opportunity to break your language barrier, to meet interesting people and get to know their cultures and find similarities and differences. It is not only training but also you get to know the country where you are staying and even have a few excursions around the towns. So, you develop as a person and also gain a lot of knowledge and a wider worldview.

Andrius Štrimaitis: A few sentences from a presentation at my school. "During this project, it was possible to get acquainted with this topic and delve deeper into it, to gain self-confidence in order to express one's opinion. One of the goals of the project was to develop empathy and reduce discrimination, to understand it emotionally, to develop responsibility (for one's place and the future), to develop mathematical and IT competences. And these are just a few of the benefits of this project".

Arnas Romancevas: My time in the Erasmus project in Cyprus was quite an experience. I was amazed at how well people from different parts of the world are able to work together and communicate in various ways. Tasks were fun, interesting and engaging discussions were happening each day. I'll never forget the time I had in this project in Cyprus.

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