Participants Agnieszka Ulańczyk, Piotr Kuśnierz, Hania Urbaniak, Marta Drozdowska from Poland made their follow up activity in Wrocław, Poland at 16 of December 2022 for 45 minutes. There were approximately 20 youth workers / students with at an average age of 20 years old. The dissemination was held in Wrocław. In the group there was a big variety of young people and they have heard from their colleagues about the project DIGEM. Not only they got familiar with the project's topic but also with Erasmus+ program in general. We hope that this meeting will encourage them to take part in further projects that will help them in self development and development of the society they are in.

What our participants told about the project

Hanna Urbaniak: When its coming to Erasmus projects they are in general amazing experiences although when you re going with friends it is way more remarkable .The possibility of making new friends as much as improve in english can influence for us as a people and for our future also. It was a great experience to have a chance to participate in this.

Piotr Kuśnierz: Digital Empathy In my opinion the whole project was a great chance to meet amazing people from over 10 countries and cultures. It was in Cyprus. I could say it's a beautiful island. I've made many new friends and had an unforgettable time. I've learnt some important stuff about new technologies and how it works in todays world. We have had many tasks which were increasing my society level and learning how to work with group. In conclusion it was such an amazing time

Agnieszka Ulańczyk: Time on the project was very well spend. I could meet a lot of interesting people. Thanks to the activities performed on the project I could better understand myself.

Marta Drozdowska: Erasmus on Cyprus Digital Empathy was an amazing experience. Activities and workshops were really great and interesting. The activities were varied from projecting our own home page through art therapy to working on our own digital entrepreneurships. We didn't also miss sightseeing on Cyprus. I warmly recommend everyone to experience something like that.

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