After the approval of the proposal, the logo of the program was created through a logo competition, which accompanied every publicity action. A special space is created on the website of our association especially for the program where both the actions of preparation and the actions of the implementation of the program were registered and displayed as well as the results from the integrated program. Following the selection of the beneficiaries, a communication and information exchange group was set up between the youth, foundation, and local community working groups. To achieve the best possible diffusion results, each individual action during the implementation of the program was documented and made public through photographic and videotaped material during and after the completion of the program. These, together with printed material were the basis of the campaign for the dissemination of our results. 

The participants in the project, after a complete preparation and guidance were able to use their experience by organizing workshops, where they were able to transfer the know-how acquired during the program implementation. The youth act as educators-multipliers in their local community and delivered printed and electronic material for information and awareness of those interested. All the announcements were gathered and sent from the youth to the local press and to the association's collaborating bodies, as well as the material with the used training material during the project was presented and distributed to youth organizations and associations from all the members.

In all our projects that we implement we are making open webpages to the public which always are there for long time after the ending of the project. Some examples of previous projects that were implemented from our organisation through the coordination of Nikolas the president of applicant organisation our president are the following:

• Climate Changes As Fast As Fashion 1 (2014): https://ccafaf.webnode.com/

• Climate Changes As Fast As Fashion II (2021): https://erasmusplus-


• Non-Formal environmental Education (2015): https://nofee.webnode.com/

• Save Our Environment Save Our Selves (2018, 2019):


• Out of Te Box (2021): https://outofthebox11.webnode.gr/

• Act For Changes (2021): https://erasmusplus-act-for-changes.webnode.com/

• Mental Health (2021): https://erasmusplus-mental-health.webnode.com/

• Self-Improvement and Coaching as a life skill (SICALS, 2021): https://erasmusplus-


• Social Entrepreneurship Against Discrimination (SENAD, 2021): https://erasmusplus-


As anyone can see even if we have a lot of project it's important for us, the applicant organisation to keep the results of the project open to public for many years after the implementation of one project. Always we are learning through this procedure and we are getting better.

NGO ACPELIA CYPRUS ensured visibility of the project through the following webpages and other sources:

1. Webpage of the organization: www.acpelia.org

2. Facebook Page of the organization: https://www.facebook.com/Acpelia

3. Instagram of the organization: https://www.instagram.com/acpelia_cyprus/

4. Personal webpage of the president of our organization: www.nikolas-nikolaou.net

5. Open Facebook page of the program

6. Webpage of the project

7. Radio Station: Pissouri Chariandri Radio: https://pissourichariandryradio.blogspot.com/

8. Radio Station of the students in Technical University of Cyprus: https://www.cut.ac.cy/cut-radio/

9. National Conference of Natural Sciences and Environment in Cyprus: www.pasythe.org


INPLANET own website and the Facebook pages, our participants own Facebook pages, media contacts from Greece, email lists for organizations help us spread information about project as wide as possible.

To wider share the results of the project, we implemented the following activities:

  • Spread local newspapers articles in combination of photos before and after the program.
  • The articles had the text: "the Project is funded by the European Union Erasmus+ Programme".
  • Spread project photos and video with the Erasmus+ logo through our site and facebook pages.
  • Spread video of the project with project logo with the text: "the Project is funded by the European Union Erasmus+ Programme" in INPLANET's YouTube Channel.
  • Implement local and international project ideas, which were developed by us so that our friends and other motivated people back in our countries can also participate in similar youth exchange as we did.

To share information about project INPLANET's participants did the following:

  • Use Facebook pages to spread information about project: Facebook lives;
  • Check in and use hashtags (#ErasmusPlus #YouthExchange etc), upload photos and
  • short description on our Facebook pages.
  • At the end of project share project video, song, report and other results via Facebook pages, Facebook groups we are in, Schools or universities we study and etc.
  • During the outdoor events, we directly talked with local people and share project results with them.
  • Inform friends, family members, mates about Erasmus+ project.

NGO INPLANET GREECE ensured visibility of the project through the following webpages and other sources:

10. Webpage of the organization: www.inplanetgreece.com

11. Webpage of partner organisation E.O. Sharp Minds www.sharpmindgr.com

12. Vocational Training Institute of Glyfada: https://iek-glyfad.att.sch.gr

13.Newspaper Proodeftiki: https://www.facebook.com/proodeutiki.gr

14. Newspaper 1 Agia Varvara I Poli mas: https://ipolimas.gr/


The Scout Society has a network of media partners with whom it has been collaborating for many years. They can be invited to events organized within the project or media partners can take the information and distribute the articles in the channels they own (online and print or radio, TV). There is the possibility of participating in radio or TV shows. Other partners that can contribute to ensuring the visibility of the project, the program and contribute to the dissemination of results are: County Directorate of Youth and Sports, County Library "Christian Tell", Center "Europe Direct", National Center for Tourist Information and Promotion "Constantin Brancusi" , City Hall, Police, local NGOs, such as: White Wolf but also some schools in the local community.

The participants were involved into the activities because we have an internal belives to give back to the community what you gain with the help of the community. The participants knows before of their participantion, that they have to prepare an activity for the community when they come back from the experience.

Asociatia Scout Society (Romania) disseminated the program through the following webpages:

1. Webpage of the organization: https://scoutsociety.ro/

2. Facebook Page of the organization: https://www.facebook.com/ScoutSociety

3. Instagram Page of the organization: https://www.instagram.com/scout_society/

4. Online Newspaper 1: Pandurul Newspaper https://www.pandurul.ro/

5. Online Newspaper 2: Gorjeanul Newspaper https://gorjeanul.ro/

6. Online Newspaper 3: Gorj Express Newspaper https://www.gorjexpress.ro/

7. Online Newspaper 4: CronicaOlteniei Newspaper https://cronicaolteniei.ro/

8. TV station 1: Accent TV https://accenttv.ro/

9. TV station 2: Gorj TV TV https://www.gorjtv.ro/

10.Radio 1: Târgu-Jiu Radio https://www.radiotargujiu.ro/

11.Radio 2: Romania Actualitati Radio https://www.romania-actualitati.ro/

NGO OPEN SOUL (Poland)/ Dissemination Plan Poland

Project was promoted on the present web page and the web page of cooperating organizations and on Facebook of them. Coordinator with participants created posters using different Internet applications: for example, canva.com. The products were posted on web pages of the organization and supporting organizations. Article was published in International Magazine: www.infoans.org/en 

The results were shared with educators from schools of participants, with young people from the region, country, and world and with their parents, other cooperating organizations. Coordinator was in close contact with participants. She created a group on FB and padlet.com to post results of the project. Coordinator prepared schedule of meetings with topics to each meeting. Participants got to know how make movie and posters. They were involved by preparation news to online newspaper. They had training in English to be more fluent.

NGO OPEN SOUL (Poland) disseminated the program through the following webpages and other sources:

Since we are a newcomer organisation (2022) we used collaborating organisation now for the dissemination of our results.

1. Webpage of collaborating organisation: https://swm.pl/wolontariat/

2. Facebook page of collaborating school of the volunteering organisation: https://www.facebook.com/salez2017

3. Webpage of collaborating schools and organisations in Wroclaw: www.salez-wroc.pl

4. Online newspaper of Salesian area: https://www.infoans.org/en

ASSOCIAÇÃO NÓ GÓRDIO (Portugal)/ Dissemination Plan NGO NO GORDIO, Portugal

We shared the result online and offline:

Online: We shared it our social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram...) also we published articles in our Blog written by our participants about the topic of Circular Economy. This kind of activities reached people at local, national and international level.

Offline: We organized dissemination events in our office to share the information with other member of our organization and the organizations in Paredes, Porto. Also, we organized events in participants schools.

Participants were involved from the beginning of the project, asking them to share in their social media, news about the Circular Economy, Environment protection and info the mobilities experiences. They were responsible to write the articles and publish them on the blog. Additionally, they were responsible for organising the dissemination activities in their schools.

ASSOCIAÇÃO NÓ GÓRDIO (Portugal) disseminated the program through the following webpages:

1. Webpage of the organization: https://www.anogordio.com/

2. Facebook Page of the organization: https://bit.ly/2RvVqKF

3. Instagram Page of the organisation: https://www.instagram.com/anogordio/

4. Online Newspaper 1: https://progressodeparedes.com.pt/

5. Online Newspaper 2: https://verdadeiroolhar.pt/

6. Online Newspaper 3: https://oparedense.pt/

7. Online radio 1: https://radioonline.com.pt/

NGO Egeria Desarrollo Social (Spain)/ Dissemination plan

We shared the results online and offline:

Online: We shared it on our social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram...) also we published articles in our Blog written by our participants about the topic of Circular Economy. This kind of activities reached people at local, national and international level.

Offline: We organized dissemination events in our office to share the information with other member of our organization and the organizations in Málaga. Also, we organized events in participants schools.

Participants were involved from the beginning of the project, asking them to share in their social media, news about the Circular Economy, Environment protection and info the mobilities experiences. They were responsible to write the articles and publish them in the blog. Additionally they were responsible for organize the dissemination activities in their schools.

NGO Egeria Desarrollo Social (Spain) disseminated the program through the following webpages:

1. AULAGA https://www.aulaga.info which is a ecologist association

2. ARRABAL https://asociacionarrabal.org which is a big NGO working on social innovation and employment

NGO SPORTSROOM, Bulgaria/ Dissemination Plan SPORTSROOM, Bulgaria

Our organization has build a network with other NGOs, Schools, Universities, Local Authorities and international key partners who were able to support the dissemination and make the project visible and to reach out a hude audience. Our social media channels were actively engaged during and after the project in order to engage the audience, promote the programme and raise awareness about the objectives of the project. The results were shared and mentioned in each of the mentioned stakeholders and when it is possible were repeated and used as a good example of Erasmus+ project and in next project activities are an example of "Good Practice" due to the results that we have reached out. In order to engage the participants, they used their social media channels and took part in the dissemination. They can voluntarily support the multiplying of the results, share the results and the experience and to continue to work in the field of Erasmus+ and gather ideas for future continuing of the project due to the resutls that we reached. https://sportsroomngo.com/ - website of the sportsroom. We prepared a news for the project and  put them into section "Progres" where the interested parties can look at it, use it as an good example and to share it. Also the websites of the mentioned parties above when the project take part, we continued the discussion with them about sharing the results, posting them in their websites and channels and promote the project as well as the programme.

NGO Young Folks, Latvia/ Dissemination Plan NGO Young Folks, Latvia

Young Folks organisation already had a strong background with a lot of partners and members, it is well known in Latvia and is already one of the biggest non-formal organisations. We shared posts, info on our social media in Facebook, Instagram, webpages. Also, these trainings were added to our portfolio among all other programs that our participants, and members have already participated in and shown for our existing and future partners. Yes, we have option to share info about this project in radio Baltcome Outcome and success were shared in our special Voice journal and in social media. With all partners, all who reads and follow our webpages and it is around 2,5 T people in Instagram, 6,5 T people in facebook, as well as all participants shared in their social media their fillings and emotions about this project

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/YoungFolksLv/

Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/youngfolkslvofficial/

radio Baltcome: https://tunein.com/radio/Radio-Baltkom-939-s80788/

Dissemination Plan/ NGO Socialnis Efektas, asociacija (Social Effect Network), Lithuania

Social Effect Network carried out online and physical dissemination activities for proper and wider dissemination of the project. The online activities were carried out through the company web-site and web-sites of the associated partners involved into the project; informative articles published in local and national web-portals; by active discussions, regular posts regarding project activities; e-Newsletters delivered to partners emailing lists.

The physical dissemination activities included info day with the target groups and relevant stakeholders, meetings with local and national organisations working with youngsters, disadvantaged groups of people, meeting with Lithuanian Research Social Institute working on providing better insights on the empathy situation in Lithuania; the media via press info; educational fair at the local level, press conference on the occasion of the project.

Disseminating the project results were realized by:

- creating audio-visual products with information about the project;

- creating facebook page, with further collaboration between participants;

- collecting and further spreading the pictures from the project;

- recording workshops. Making the final video of the project and spreading in the webpages of all the partner organisations and their networks.

- informing about the project results and publishing an article in a local newspaper.

Before and after the action an article was written for local media and published at the partner organizations' websites/blogs. Participants had also the possibility to take part in writing their expectations,experiences and feelings to these articles.

Also in the beginning of the project there was a questionnaire about their fears, motivations and their impact on the project and at the end there were the similar questionnaire, which we later compared to see how many participants got their fears away, how many of them met their expectations and how did they feel their impact on the project, how satisfied are they from the activities, how well the learning process was structured.

From all activities were taken videos, photos; written articles; made videos, (which is a part of the project), which was used for other dissemination of the project results. All promotional materials contained an official logo of the Erasmus+ programme. The materials were shared on social networks. Will be published in the pages of the partner organisations, FB and other social groups that they lead. They were printed brochures as a success story and was shared within local youth,with the student councils of the local universities, who in turn can share it with their students.

Since the dissemination process is an ongoing element during the whole project, all the associated partners were involved too. This commitment was documented in the signed cooperation agreement. In order to foster, implement and coordinate the dissemination of the overall results of the project, a work package was created, which included the coordination and steering of the dissemination. The partners took a lead in the working package and ensure with their expertise, knowledge and organisational power a strong dissemination of the results. Creation of the posters and booklets presenting the project results was covered too by the project implementation grant. No extra funds were needed. The dissemination policy is based on the concept of using synergies with the existing organisational structure of the partners.

  • JCI Lithuania
  • SPEAK Kaunas
  • Aktyvistai NGO

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