Tasks of Session 1:

Describe your Project Idea and how it originated:

It is an app for shops and restaurants to post at the end of the day the food with lowered prices so it won't go to waste. Then people can pick it up, pay the Lower price and Save the food.

What problem do you want to address with this Project? Why do you want to address this problem? How does your Project address this problem?

The problem: Big food waste that we want to minimalise. By posting the info about it on the app and selling it at a cheaper price. Because the amount of food waste is horrific and the businesses are losing money on it.

What will be the product? Describe the primary product/service offered by your company.

The product is an app. It allows the companies to post about the food that would go to waste at the end of the day and people to pick it up and pay the lowered price. 

What kind of competitors do you have? How will you compete with them?

The app will be free. It will be in most of the shops and restaurants. We will promote it on Tiktok Instagram. You can pay extra and deliver it to your home. You will collect points for every order and then you can exchange them for free.

What is your tone of voice? What is your Brand Philosophy? What are the main values of your project?

We want to be friendly, minimalise food waste, and Save money.

What is your primary logo? Wordmark? Brandmark?

Tasks of Session 2:

Company Management Structure

Will you start this project with a team? How will you distribute responsibilities?

We'll start with a team of 4 people: 

  • Team leader
  • HR programmer
  • A person for advertising
  • A finances person  

Timetable of how you will build your Company or Digital Enterprise Project

It'll launch in half a year (programming, testing, starting cooperating with companies and launching)

Company Assets

What will be the property of your Company or Digital Enterprise Project? How will you secure that property or that value? Describe the company's Assets.


Future Plans

Describe in what way, you will expand your project (e.g., through future products or plans). In what ways, can your company/project be expanded?

First, we want to lunch in Poland and then expand to countries all over the world. More restaurants can join and people from other countries will join our team. Also, we will add a delivery option later.


Target Audience

What is your target audience? What kind of needs are you trying to address?

Mostly Young people but the perfect way would be to attract people of all ages. We want to address the need for buying things cheaper and minimalise food waste. 


How will you price the product/service? Will this price be affordable for your target audience? What will you do if the price is higher for your target audience? How will you manage to get a lower price?

The app will be free and will earn money on add the app. We'll establish the prices with each shop or restaurant. We will make the prices lower by advertising the companies that work with the US in the app. 


How will you advertise your product/service?

We'll be on Tiktok, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook and by ads in the shops and restaurants. Later we'll add billboards and posters.

Write a marketing abstract of two-three sentences:

Easy to use and we have connections with almost every shop and restaurant in Poland. 

Tasks of Session 3:

SWOT Analysis (Strengths/ Weaknesses/ Opportunities/ Threats)

Strengths: What are the strengths of your Project?

Modern, innovative: In Poland, we do not have this type of application. Knowledge of many restaurants owners. 

Weaknesses: What are the weaknesses of your Project?

  • Cost of creating the application 
  • The time needed to write the application 

Opportunities: Which opportunities are open to you? How will you grasp these opportunities?

  • Get market 
  •  Popularise ecology 
  • Low prices of food will make many people use our application

Threats: How will you manage your threats if you don't know them? Try to find all the threats to your Project.

Restaurants may not want to cooperate with our company. Some restaurants may want cheats client and sell nad food. 

Make a Poster accumulating your answers to all the previous questions to present them in a creative way in our next session (5-7 minutes presentation).

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