Tasks of Session 1:
Describe your Project Idea and how it originated:
During our first meeting, we discussed how we were informed about the project. We found out that most people are afraid to trust an NGO. But they still wanted to travel abroad, especially after the covid-19 pandemic. We researched the existing apps and came up with the idea of an all-inclusive app for Erasmus projects.
What problem do you want to address with this Project? Why do you want to address this problem? How does your Project address this problem?
Our initial thought was to spread the word regarding these projects and make it easier to access NGOs and apply for a project through the app. Basically, you won't need any other method to complete your application and get informed about past active and upcoming projects. The app is accessible to everyone.
What will be the product? Describe the primary product/service offered by your company.
The product will be an app with the main menu(organisations, places, forums, messages, documents, projects, etc). The person interested can get informed, communicate with different organizations and follow through with any program.
What kind of competitors do you have? How will you compete with them?
Salto and erasmus app. We included new sections and an easy navigation wireframe accessible to all. Now you can organise your next Erasmus at the palm of your hand.
What is your tone of voice? What is your Brand Philosophy? What are the main values of your project?
Our brand philosophy is to organise the Erasmus world information and make it universally accessible and useful. Accessible, simplified, trustworthy.
What is your primary logo? Wordmark? Brandmark?

Tasks of Session 2:
Company Management Structure
Will you start this project with a team? How will you distribute responsibilities?
- Project manager
- Business Analyst
- UI-UX Designer
- App Developer
- QA engineer.
Organizational Timeline
Timetable of how you will build your Company or Digital Enterprise Project
- Formation of the working group
- Department of initial ideas
- Brainstorming
- Finalization of selection
- Implementation of the chosen idea
- Fine-tuning and checks
- First release
- First use and feedback
- Update and improvement.
Company Assets
What will be the property of your Company or Digital Enterprise Project? How will you secure that property or that value? Describe the company's Assets.
Purchase of physical office building in Athens via crowdfunding (also equipment and supplies and copyright).
Future Plans
Describe in what way, you will expand your project (e.g., through future products or plans). In what ways, can your company/project be expanded?
- Application update and inclusion of the features
- Collaboration with businesses for promotional offers
- Erasmus passport/card for use during projects in order to verify your participation and get discounts to businesses who collaborate with the Erasmus+ App Company.
Target Audience
What is your target audience? What kind of needs are you trying to address?
Our target audience is open without specific criteria. We aspire to fill the digital gap in the Erasmus+ community organizations. Participants can now communicate more easily as well as gain access to the necessary tools required to implement an Erasmus project.
How will you price the product/service? Will this price be affordable for your target audience? What will you do if the price is higher for your target audience? How will you manage to get a lower price?
Our product is free and we fund the company's needs and application maintenance costs via advertising on the app and private donations.
How will you advertise your product/service?
Direct communication with NGOs from other countries in order to be registered as associate organizations in the app and also promote in social media. Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp etc.
Write a marketing abstract of two-three sentences:
"Empowering youth one step at a time."
Tasks of Session 3:
SWOT Analysis (Strengths/ Weaknesses/ Opportunities/ Threats)
Strengths: What are the strengths of your Project?
- Innovative idea
- No direct competitor
- Modern Design
- Accessibility
- Market gap Fulfilling
Weaknesses: What are the weaknesses of your Project?
- Similarities with the indirect competition
- Lack of Funding
- Lack of associate
- Untrustworthiness
- Backwardness
Opportunities: Which opportunities are open to you? How will you grasp these opportunities?
- Advertisement
- New app features
- Embrace modern methods
- Develop relations with NGOs
- Increase trust
Threats: How will you manage your threats if you don't know them? Try to find all the threats to your Project.
- Bankruptcy
- Lack of interest by NGOs
- Future competitors
- EU funding reductions
- Negative user feedback
Make a Poster accumulating your answers to all the previous questions to present them in a creative way in our next session (5-7 minutes presentation).