Describe your Project Idea and how it originated:
Responsible to start and mentain disability services.
What problem do you want to address with this Project? Why you want to address this problem? How does your Project address this problem?
improve daily life of disabled people by implement the disability law. Because all people have to be equal in society and have access to all social facilities, to be part of society
What will be the product? Describe the primary product/service offered by your company.
Services, control, disability legistration in companies, writing reports to disability board, provide information to disability rights
What kind of competitors do you have? How will you compete with them?
not many competitors, as the "profit" is social change.
What is your tone of voice? What is your Brand Philosophy? What are the main values of your project?
friendly equality, equal word for all respect diversity (is this Theos english are you kidding me)
Company Management Structure
Will you start this project with a team? How will you distribute responsibilities?
set up like an NGO, 5 or so people. - somehow to keeps going to government meetings to push for legislations - someone who seeks funding from European funding - someone who collects information and statistics
Organizational Timeline
Timetable of how you will build your Company or Digital Enterprise Project
Find people who are interested in the topic and are recent graduates looking to build their CV.
Company Assets
What will be the property of your Company or Digital Enterprise Project? How will you secure that property or that value? Describe the company's Assets.
Value will be made by showing what the group worked to change and keep a detailed report on the stuff implemented, changed, worked on
Future Plans
Describe in what way, you will expand your project (e.g., through future products or plans). In what ways, can your company/project be expanded?
An app + websites that covers which streets are inaccessible to disabled people, meaning ramps, braille street crossings, yellow floor thing for walking. As such, visually anyone willing to fight for more rights for the disabled has easily accessible info. Moreover, disabled people who want to travel in Cy can use app/website to plan a trip
Target Audience: What is your target audience? What kind of needs are you trying to address?
Both legislators and disabled people. 1) information on what needs to be changed is accessible to legislators 2) disabled people who need to plan on where to go/what to do
Pricing: How will you price the product/service? Will this price be affordable for your target audience? What will you do if the price is higher for your target audience? How will you manage to get a lower price?
The website will have minimal advertising to keep hosting costs. Moreover for projects and stuff funding will be done by EU bodies, or others funding dedicated to disabled based enterprises
Advertising: How will you advertise your product/service?
advertising on other platforms to target audience that cares about this
Write a marketing abstract of two-three sentences:
Cyprus is inadequate and not accessible for disabled people, Using our platform, you can find out what needs to be changed, and where it's accessible
SWOT Analysis (Strengths/ Weaknesses/ Opportunities/ Threats)
Strengths: What are the strengths of your Project?
There is lots of funding provided for the taxpayers in both through channels such as the European Commission etc. This money is meant to be used in such a way but its not. There are also funding specifically from other channels for accessibility reasons
Weaknesses: What are the weaknesses of your Project?
Since disabled people are lesser, it might be difficult to convince legislators to change rules, or work on ramps etc because they happen to be the minority.
Opportunities: Which opportunities are open to you? How will you grasp these opportunities?
Funding, as well as the fact that there isn't, much competition. The intact of such a project happens to be not profit, but instead social impact, and other companies would rather work with us than against us
Threats: How will you manage your threats if you don't know them? Try to find all the threats of your Project.
with the power of teamwork. Threats include apathy from legistrators and policy makers, but these can be changed by the second part of our project, which is making a report and maps of streets that are inaccessible to disabled.