Project Name: Digital Empathy
Duration: 1st to 8th of October 2022
Activity: Training in Cyprus (Pissouri, Limassol) of 36 youth workers (4 youth workers from each organization)
Applicant and Coordinating Organization: ACPELIA, Pissouri, Limassol, Cyprus, acpeliacy@gmail.com
Project Management: Evangelia Nikolaou
General Management: Nikolas Nikolaou
Trainers: Erma Georgiou, Evangelia Nikolaou

"Digital Empathy" consists of seminars and workshops designed to teach participants that digital transformation can only be achieved through humanitarian values. Due to the digital enterprise being mostly customer centring, youth workers need to cultivate their empathic abilities to be able to assess the needs of their potential customers, students, or surroundings. In a sense, empathy might be the groundwork for digital transformation to follow. For this reason, we include the component of empathy in all of our activities, reinforcing young adults to be more innovative, empathetic, and critical when working with digital tools. To achieve this, participants will engage in exercises and activities that focus on digital enterprise and empathy, all of which will help them associate how empathy is directly related to their digital development. Digital enterprise and cultivated digital competencies are skills. However, the way you teach young people how to develop and implement those skills should be entangled with humanitarian values. This is our goal. To give participants ideas and digital tools, through a humanitarian implementation. During this training, participants will discover through innovative ideas, competitions, exhibitions, and fun-based activities that digital transformation starts with digital enterprise. Such digital enterprise can only get you forward through empathetic abilities which abilities are developed through real-time experiences. We provide these experiences!!
Why Empathy?
Samoutis et al. (2020) reported that the overall prevalence of Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Depression in Cyprus was 13.89 per cent and 8.33 per cent, respectively, with these symptoms being more prevalent among young people. These phenomena are explained not only by rigorous measures and self-isolation but also by the fact that the workplace is changing at a fast pace and young people confront enormous future uncertainty. Additionally, young adults have faced university closures and income loss, and are more likely than other adults to report substance use (25 percent vs. 13 percent ) and suicidal thoughts (26 percent vs. 11 percent ). (Cox et al. 2021).
Why Digital Transformation?
The Covid 19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of the digital workspace, with the last two years marked by zoom calls, remote work, long-distance learning, and live-streaming. Following Covid-19, it is debatable if we should revert to our previous practices, as most businesses will likely be considerably more flexible. Simultaneously, data indicates that the majority of employers prefer part-time remote work and part-time in the office. Thus, the hybrid workspace is here to stay. As a result, digital capabilities are no longer optional; they are necessary.
Our Objectives
Non-silencing (cultivation of self-confidence to express personal opinions)
Introduction to that empathy is directly linked with digital enterprise
Generation of new ideas about potential digital apps and websites: critical thinking & innovation
Digital competencies
User-centricity (cultivating customer service in the digital enterprise through empathy)
Strategic thinking
Literary competencies
An understanding of the key people around the topic we are occupied with.
Understanding the risks and advantages of social media platforms.